Quick Facts:
Founded in 2001 in Ridgway, PA, located in the beautiful allegheny mountain range of north-central Pennsylvania
Operates in a purpose-built, new construction 26,000 sq. ft. facility in Ridgway, PA; relocated in 2018
Conducts hundreds of tests using 60+ exposure chambers and dozens of other types of mechanical testing equipment
Staff includes mechanical engineers, industrial engineers, materials engineers, chemistry technicians, and metallurgists
Serves 600+ customers annually in over 40 countries across the globe
More Background:
Assured Testing Services, an accredited, independent materials testing laboratory located in north-central Pennsylvania, was started in 2001 to provide corrosion resistance and environmental exposure testing for the local powdered metal parts manufacturing industry. Since then, Assured Testing has grown rapidly, supporting nearly 600 customers worldwide with over 30 exposure chambers of various types. Assured Testing performs Salt Spray, Humidity, Cyclic Accelerated Corrosion Resistance, SO2-Modified Humidity, Mixed Gas Exposure, Sea Water Acidified Salt Fog, Acetic Acid Salt Spray, Copper Acidified Salt Spray, Prohesion Exposure, UV Weathering, Vapor Humidity, Condensing Humidity, Chemical Spot Resistance and Chemical Vapor Exposure resistance testing, and many others. Customers include major OEMs, automotive tier suppliers, paint and plating chemical manufacturers, and dozens of captive and job shop finish applicators worldwide.
Certifications, Policies, & Accreditations:
Assured Testing is accredited to ISO 17025, “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories,” the laboratory equivalent to ISO 9000 for manufacturing companies. ISO certification is an absolute requirement for providing testing for the automotive, aerospace, and military industries. Accreditation consists of the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation, an independent 3rd party accreditation service provider, regularly auditing the Assured Testing quality system, quality manual, policies, procedures, equipment calibration records, test method and specification library, training records, measurement uncertainty estimates, control of records, control of reference materials and standards, evidence of continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and other attributes to ensure that the laboratory is compliant to the requirements of ISO 17025. It also certifies that the laboratory is capable of performing accurate testing to the test methods, practices, and standards of which it is accredited.
Expansion into New Markets:
In 2008, Assured Testing was approached by frac sand brokers, railhead distribution companies, operators, and completion service providers in the Marcellus Play to provide Sieve Analysis, Turbidity, Crush Resistance and other proppant property testing. This is in accordance with (IAW) API RP-19C and ISO 13503-2 on frac sand samples at various points in the supply chain to verify properties. From this start, Assured Testing now provides full-service proppant physical property and conductivity testing IAW RP-19C, RP-19D, ISO 13503-2, and ISO 13503-5. In 2011-2012 Assured Testing marketed these capabilities nationwide to the US proppant / O&G industry, providing proppant testing at competitive pricing and fast turnaround for dozens of customers, with most of whom it has NDAs. In January 2014 Assured Testing placed into service an automated PLC-controlled Crush Press capable of testing proppant to 30,000 psi to accommodate recent developments in high-strength and ultra-high-strength ceramic proppants.
In addition, Assured Testing Services’ personnel has dozens of years of combined experience in metal finishing processes, surface preparation, coating development and application, custom test development, sand / aggregate / concrete testing in a variety of markets. See our affiliated website, www.proppantsandtesting.com, for more information.