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Salt Spray (Fog) Corrosion Exposure Testing
What is Salt Spray Testing?
Salt spray testing provides a controlled accelerated corrosive environment to evaluate the relative corrosion resistance of the coating, substrate, or part itself. Parts or panels are placed inside a chamber and exposed continually for a specified period of time, then evaluated for resistance to corrosion. This type of testing is also known as salt fog testing.
What are the most common Salt Spray Standards?
ASTM B117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
Daimler Chrysler LP-463-PB-10-01 Salt Spray Test
Ford Motor Company BI 103-01 Salt Spray Resistance Test for Painted Panels and Parts
General Motors GM4298P Salt Spray Test
DIN 50021 Salt spray testing
Nissan M0140 Salt spray testing
Toyota TSH1552G Test Method of Salt Spray
Honda HES 6501 Salt spray test
ISO 9227 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres
Magnesium Chloride
Calcium Chloride
Assured Testing Services is capable of providing Modified Salt Spray (Fog) Testing per ASTM G85 for all five (5) of the modified salt spray annexes listed below:
Annex A2, Cyclic Acidified Salt Spray test
Annex A5, Dilute Electrolyte Cyclic Fog Dry test (Prohesion)

Assured Testing Services maintains multiple chambers for salt fog and salt spray exposure testing, ensuring quick turnaround and automated, consistent testing results

Auxiliary Evaluations:
ASTM D1654 Scribing and scribe creep evaluation
ASTM D610 Degree of rusting
ASTM D714 Degree of paint blistering
You can read more about salt fog spray testing from the link below:
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