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Thermal Shock for Adhesion  Testing

Steam and Pressure Washing

Our  equipment is capable of supporting the following steam adhesion tests:


  • Ford BI 107-05 Thermal Shock Test for Adhesion​

  • General Motors GMW15919 Thermal Shock Test for Paint Adhesion​

  • FCA LP-463PB-64-01 Thermal Shock Procedure for Organic Coating Adhesion Test


In addition to steam testing, we can meet the requirements of several high pressure water spray tests including: 


Volvo STD 423-0015 Adhesion, Water Spraying Under High Pressure

ISO 20653  IPX9k Water During  High Pressure/Steam-Jet Cleaning

Car Wash

These test methods are used to simulate conditions that automotive surfaces are exposed to by vehicle washing equipment. The testing involves various preconditioning steps such as scribing, immersion, humidity, and thermal soaks (often sub-zero temperatures) prior to high temperature and pressure steam or water spraying.


Assured Testing Services has developed and built a custom testing chamber that provides multi-spec capability in a single integrated unit.  The steam generator and enclosure are designed to meet the requirements of several common OEM adhesion tests.

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